librta:   Access Your Running Program

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Table Editor

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You need librta if:
  - you build embedded software
  - you build long running programs such as daemons or servers
  - you want to give your program a UI of some kind
  - you code using C or C++

How librta works:
  -You're used to dealing with C structures, so you know that you can think of an array of structures as a table. The instances are the rows and the structure members are the columns.
  -Is there a standard for dealing with tables? Sure, SQL.
  -That's how librta works. It makes your program's internal data visible externally as if it was a set of tables in a Postgres database.

Advantages and features of librta:
  - librta requires only libc and sockets
  - UI can be in Java, PHP, C, Python, Perl, Node, Bash,...
  - Supports arrays of structs, linked-lists, and other data formats
  - SQL and Postgres are well documented
  - Network access to your daemon (if TCP sockets)
  - File permissions security (if Unix sockets)
  - Built-in discovery mechanism
  - CPU and memory efficient
  - Updates can trigger special processing
  - Save-to-file to make some columns non-volatile
  - Well defined, tightly controlled access can improve security


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Source Code
  Source Tarball
  PPA Repository
  Debian Packages
  RPM Packages